You Don’t Have to Be A Comedian to Use Humor in Your Content
Every time I see these videos, I laugh out loud.
Ironically, I am not a fan of this type of humor in real life. In other words, please don’t prank me.
The types of videos I’m referring to are ‘invisible danger’ pranks.
It’s usually a couple, and one person pretends they’ve come into contact with something dangerous and freaks out.
Naturally, the other person reacts similarly, freaks out, and starts shouting, “What, what is it?!?!”
They’re pretty funny (since I’m not the one being pranked 😉).
While I’m not suggesting you prank your audience, humor is a great way to connect with your audience.
Here’s a specific example of something funny that can be turned into content (#everythingiscontent).
I recently posted on FB that one of life’s simple pleasures is getting into a freshly made bed with clean sheets (am I right?).
I love this so much that I make sure I wash my sheets when I head out of town, so it makes it that much sweeter when I get home to my bed.
My dear friend, Liz, posted this reply to my Facebook post: